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Mid-Florida Metal Roof Contractors of Lakeland
What is the first thing that comes to your mind when thinking about the external appearance of your property? This question goes for both commercial and residential ones. If you shoot back this question, we would definitely answer ‘the roof’ without hesitation. You can notice that a residential or commercial property is stunning when you put all the elements together, and if we want to talk about the structure overall, we can agree there are some more important than others. For example, what is a property without an amazing roof and walls?
For now, we will focus on the first one only. The roof is the most crucial part of the property, and there is no doubt about it. You can have amazing walls and other stunning parts, but you will not be able to protect everything without a roof that is not only beautiful but durable as well. Therefore, here is a recommendation: take your time choosing the right one if you have a project involving a new construction in mind, or if you are planning to do something about your existing one. Roofing options are many, and the variety can overwhelm anyone that is just trying to find something that meets the needs and ideas he or she has in mind. Do you know where to start? We don’t think so.
More than a roofing system can provide you the results you want, but some elements and aspects will be the ones that will make you want to go for an option before the other. Slate—for example—is a good option for traditional looks, but it is quite expensive and not everyone can afford it. What about asphalt? It is cheap and can give you modern styles and results for your property, but it is not as durable as other options. What if we tell you our team can make a suggestion that will solve all your problems regardless of what you have in mind? Metal roofs are stunning and not only beautiful but also durable and long-lasting.
You can obtain amazing results with the right choices for the climate in the city, your property’s structure, budget, and the idea you have in mind without leaving aside your needs. Overall, it may be more expensive than asphalt but the investment is completely worth it since it can last double the time of this last material. And the maintenance or repairs are not conducted that often. Now, what does it take to have such a system in your property?
For metal roofing, it is not only about buying the materials and choosing the type of metal, 80% of the final result depends on the contractor and expert that helps you with either the installation or any other service. With a mistake, everything can fall apart. Here is when you have to start thinking about looking for a reliable company and experienced contractors. Otherwise, your money, time, and effort will go to waste just because someone could not deliver what was expected. For this, our company can take any metal roofing tasks you have in your hands.
We have been in the industry for several years now and something we do not know is a disappointment. We are not perfect nor can we do everything without making a single mistake. But you can rest assure that at Mid-Florida Metal Roof Contractors of Lakeland, we will always do our best to provide you the best metal roof services and deal with our own mistakes in no time.

How to handle metal roofing
When it is about roofing in general, things can escalate quickly. There is a thin line between a good and a bad installation, and proof of this is the property you notice with filtration and problems with leaks, among others. For metal roofs, people can handle them quite well due to how light they are and how easy they make the task of installing, repairing, or replacing. But this is the first call for inexperienced people and the same property owners: being easy does not mean you can do it on your own.
You still need the right equipment and experience to do a proper job and prevent any accidents from happening. Therefore, yes, you can say it is easy for metal roofers and no one else. Moving onto how you handle it in specific, all metal roofs are installed with fasteners and the material gets coating applied. More than the metal or panel themselves, the extra elements and additions are what make any of the systems with the material look amazing and also provide longevity and durability. When you do not choose the right coating, extra elements, proper fasteners, and even the right material according to your property’s structure and the climate in the city it is located, things will not go well either.
Contractors and companies like us exist to not only take the materials and do the heavy job but also help you to make well-informed decisions. Otherwise, you will feel like it was a waste of money when it was only some bad decision-making.
Wrong ideas about metal roofing
If metal is such a good material for properties, why do people still go for other options? First, everyone can use what he or she prefers depending on two things: the budget and style that is being tried to achieve. Besides, all roofing systems have some disadvantages and maybe some people do not like metal. But this does not make it a bad option.
That being said, some owners—included you—have bad concepts about a metal roof that are not true at all. And those concepts and ideas make them and you go for another type of roofing and miss the chance of having a metal one. The most common one is that metal conducts heat. It is believed that since metal gets hot quite fast, the system is not the best option for hot places where the climate will never help. But it is quite the opposite.
Metal reflects the sun and helps to cool down any property, no matter the size. Following this same idea and going back at something we mentioned before as well, the heat can be avoided with the proper coating layer as well. If you already have a metal roof installed and you feel it gets hotter, there is something that is not right with the entire system that you can easily change and save you money in replacing it. And start enjoying the real durability, beauty, and longevity of the roof. The second idea is not completely wrong: it is noisy.
It can be noisy for obvious reasons but again, some additions can help to prevent this or reduce the noise to almost zero when it comes to rain. Coating, a layer of extra products, and other options depending on the type of metal system you choose are available. The list continues from here, but we wanted to mention the most common ideas that are preventing most people to get this roofing system. The disadvantages do not compare to the benefits of installing one and taking the time to repair or re-roof an existing system of this type. This is why we always recommend people to evaluate every pro and con before making a decision. And part of doing so is to know if they are real or not for sure.
Some research and talking with people that have had this roofing system—in this case—for quite some time, can help to determine if it is worth it or not.
Why go for metal roofing systems
Following the previous advice, here is some information that will help to make the decision. We want to start with two clear cons before jumping onto why the pros out shadow them in the first place. What worries people most of the time is how expensive a metal roof can be. Compared to asphalt, you will need to pay a bit more for the cheapest metal roof option but if we discuss the general price for each type, there is not a huge difference. Besides, everything depends on the elements you want, the metal you choose, the size of the property, and the list goes on.
Overall, a metal roof can cost $5 per sq. ft, which is not too different from asphalt but it is cheaper than any other roofing option. The second disadvantage is corrosion and rust. It is not strange to notice metal with some rust and corrosion, if not a lot, after quite some time. It is only natural due to the nature of the material but it can be avoided with proper maintenance. Here is when something important comes out: every roofing system needs maintenance regardless of the material you choose.
Therefore, not going for a metal roof just because you have to perform maintenance once in a while is not a good excuse or reason for the decision. The difference is that you might be able to notice easily when your metal roof needs maintenance compared to others. But not being able to notice it fast in other types leads to what we know quite well: its fall and deterioration. Knowing this, we can start telling you why you should give it more than a simple try.
A metal roof is light and therefore, easy to install—which is what we mentioned at the beginning. Also, the variety of colors, designs, panels, shingles, styles and more, is quite large and help you to obtain any result you have in mind when you accompany it with a nice coating layer and other elements when required. This means you can obtain different results that will not always match with other properties. As for the price, in the long-term, you will save a lot of money. You might need to invest $1 or $2 more per square foot, but when you consider the possibility of forgetting about the roof for some years until it needs its maintenance, it pays off.
Repairs are not too frequent and you can enjoy your time in the property while protecting everything without worrying about cracks or the material splitting. Durability and longevity are the strong qualities of metal roofing, which is something we will never get tired of telling you. It is not easy to come up with a decision, but we assure you no one can go wrong with metal roofs.
What services do we offer?
The list of services available is longer than just installation and repairs. Roofing systems take much more in general, and even when some companies and contractors cannot handle every single need and project you have, this does not apply to us. Our metal roofing contractors are well-trained and experienced in every service and need you could have. And although installations are the most common service requested, that does not mean we are out of practice with the rest.
Repairs are only serious when there is a bad installation involved or some damage received from external sources. But overall, you should not have serious problems with the repairs that have to take place after some years.
For the rest, you might need some retrofitting or re-roofing at some point, and even replacement can hit the door after decades of use. Just keep in mind something: what you need will be 100% determined and certain once an inspection has been conducted. Now, what do we do in specific so you can have a better idea?
Metal roofing has a large variety of systems available and with ‘systems’ we refer to the different options and types. A popular metal roof for modern designs and properties is standing seam while for traditional, stone-coated steel is the one to go—but not the only. Those are considered systems since they are not installed in the same way and the panels have different conditions. The metal used for each shingle, tile or panel is also different since there are 4 metal options, and all this is what influences what a roofing system is.
We know it is a lot of information to process, but we need you to do this in order to understand what we offer. Our services go from metal roofing installation in general to very specific options depending on the system you have or want. One of the services we love helping owners with is tapered panels because it is a challenge for our contractors and cutters. The next one would be the corrugated metal roof and metal rile roof. Both options are amazing and people in Lakeland and subjacent cities seem to love it. From there on, our services just say what they are about with their names only:
- Residential and commercial metal roofing
- New construction metal roofing.
- Re-roofing and retrofitting metal roofs.
- Metal shingle.
- Repair, replacement, and systems.
- Metal roofing contractors.
If there is something you have in mind that is considered unique and weird in the industry, feel free to let us know. We mostly help with all the projects that go with the previous services, but we are open to new ones and completely up to review them to see how we can help you.
It is not easy to be in the metal roofing industry. It takes a lot of work to provide outstanding services that will never disappoint and maintain the contractors and experts at the top in what they do by providing equipment and training all the time. However, this has helped us to provide everything you need. We seriously encourage people to look for professionals instead of trying to deal with everything themselves.
It is dangerous, risky, and the probabilities of obtaining the desired result are low. As a personal experience, some close friends installed a metal roof 3 years ago in a small property. It looks amazing when you look at the fasteners and the structure overall but, guess what? The panels were placed wrong. The internal side of the panel was top and taking all the sun and rain while the other was chilling on the internal side.
In simpler words, they were inverted. This reduced the longevity and durability of the roof although there is not a huge sign of it. Besides, it does not stand rain properly and the rust is present for other reasons besides this. Metal roofs are the best investment, but keep in mind it is possible to get benefits from it with the proper contractors working on them. With our large list of services, there is no need to do it yourself or resort to other contractors that only make empty promises.
Our team is located in several cities which give you access to our services anywhere. We are the best contractors in Polk County. We are not encouraging you to work with us for our benefit only. We care about people and even more when they are our clients or a future one, which is why we always want the best for them and you. This is why we insist on you contacting us for your metal roofing needs.
Our company is at the top in not only the list of companies that provide the services in the county but in the entire country. We have worked hard for this and we could not be happier. Our team will love to work with you and all it takes is to let us know what is on your mind. We are confident about being able to achieve the desired result and even exceed your expectations and ideas. Of course, it is easy to tell you why we are the best, but trusting our words when you know nothing or have not had an experience with us yet is quite hard.
Because of this, we have made sure to collect a series of old projects, current ones, and some plans of our clients that have accepted to allow us to show them to you. In this way, you will be able to have a look and taste of what we are capable of. This includes installations, repairs, re-roofing, and even replacements. All types of metal roofing systems are included and the variety of designs is large. You can even take some ideas from the pictures we will show you and visit some of the properties—residential and commercial—where we have installed or handled the metal roof.
Is this a lot of information? Take your time to process it. We still have a long way to go with you since planning and just thinking about metal roofing and how you are going to make it happen takes time. This is an introduction to not only what we can do but what you can expect from this roofing overall. Our website has a lot of extra information about services, inspection, locations, and more. Feel free to read through it and let us know if you have any questions.
If you prefer the option of calling or contacting us, do so and our experts will answer everything or explain to you how our company works and the process to install or deal with metal roofs. Earlier, we mentioned inspection and just now, we did it again. This is an important step when dealing with metal roofs, which is why we suggest you conduct it even if we are not the company you are planning to employ. The inspection helps to determine the condition of the roof and how things will take place to guarantee the safety of the roofers and workers.
Our inspection is completely free and since you can access our contractors in any city or town in Polk County, you can schedule one anytime. This will help us and you to have the right idea about what is going on with your roof or how we can proceed to install the new one. At Mid-Florida Metal Roof Contractors of Lakeland, we will be waiting for you to make your decision and whatever it is, we will respect it. But if you decide to go for us, expect the best services, attention, and results.
Time to Replace Your Roof? We Can Help
Considering roofing replacement? When it comes to roofing projects, many homeowners rely on professionals to get the job done. At Mid-Florida Metal Roof Contractors of Lakeland, our specialists stick to all the industry standards when installing metal roofing on both residential and commercial properties. Therefore, you can be sure of getting a sturdy roof on top of your house. As a result, you can get the best services from our company in the following fields;
What Locations do we Serve?
Mid-Florida Metal Roof Contractors of Lakeland is a name you can trust and rely on. Our metal roofing services were limited in Lakeland, FL when we started. But with time our company has expanded and is now serving over ten locations within Florida.
It shows how reliable we are. Here are some places within Florida, where you can access our world-class metal roofing services: –